Saturday, May 7, 2016

Summer Haul - Part 1

These are the newest and cutest items in our summer wardrobe. Stay tuned for more to come!

Orange Flowing Dress: Forever 21
Tan Ankle Booties: Steve Madden 
Locket: Etsy 

  1. Yellow Knit Tank: Forever 21
  2. White Bandeau: Garage
  3. Grey Cloth Shorts: Tjmaxx
  4. Flower Headband: Forever 21

  1. Dark Blue Cropped Tank: Forever 21
  2. Orange and Blue Patterned Skirt: Forever 21

  1. White and Blue Pattered Romper: Tjmaxx
  2. Grey Shoes: Toms

  1. Beige Cropped Tank: Forever 21
  2. Flower Maxi Skirt w/ Slits: Forever 21
  3. Brown Laced Heels: Tjmaxx

  1. Daisy Cropped Tank w/ Lace: Forever 21
  2. 3 Button Black Shorts: Charlotte Russe 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Quote of the Day

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost

A Lifetime

I see faces of children
Laughing, smiling, full of joy
Parents snapping pictures
Capturing our moments of innocence
Hopefully they would last longer than this

I see the faceless mass of people
Strolling through the hallway
Laughing at the latest piece of gossip
Thinking that it all meant something
Believing we were someone

I see my future beyond those walls
The path to get there shouldn’t be this hard
Navigating through the mass of
Drunken mistakes, broken promises
Waiting to come out new

I see a glass half empty waiting at my desk
Reality was crueler than I thought
All work and no play until I saw you
The person to change my world
Make me realize this means something

I see the light, the end
The last moments on this Earth
Filled with remorse and emptiness
Life transformed into snap shots
A lifetime left without a mark

Written by our first guest writer: Josie Accetturi 

Bio: Sarcastic caffeine addict who enjoys wearing black more than what is considered socially acceptable.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Defeating Red Hair: Color Oops Review

We've all gotten the feeling that our look needs a little change. Some get bangs while others, myself included, decide to take the more drastic route: hair dye. It's an appealing idea at first because certain questions can finally be answered: Do blondes really have more fun? Does black hair make you look older? However, after your curiosity is eased, you may come to realize that the color you chose was not the right fit. Or in my case, it may start fading and leave you with "tri-colored" hair. I had brown roots, with red and blonde covering the rest of my head. I was determined to fix this issue myself and not go to a pricey salon. So, after some research, I came upon an at home hair dye remover: Color Oops. It is ammonia and bleach free with the promise to take out dye that is up to a year old. Naturally, I was skeptical but still willing to give it a try after watching various youtube videos. Disclaimer: imagine rotten eggs and a dead rodent mixed together and you may be able to understand how horrible this stuff smells. Make sure to wear clothes you are absolutely fine with throwing out after because color oops is very runny and will most likely slip off your head during the removal process.

 My Original Hair                                                 One Application of Color Oops


Reaction: I obviously saw some change but definitely not as much as I was expecting. I heard a second application doesn't often help but I decided to give it a go anyways.

Second Application of Color Oops 

Reaction: I was very pleased after the second application as my hair was very close to being just one color. However, I wasn't a fan of this brassy blonde so I did end up dying it a different shade. I'm positive that without Color Oops it would have been hard to dye my hair without it being darker or lighter in some parts. P.S - my hair doesn't feel damaged at all after this process!

New Tab

Quick update guys: We will be adding a poetry tab to the blog and it will sometimes feature guest writers. So feel free to send us any poems you have to: Please include a picture to go along with it (either one of you or something pertaining to your work) Thanks!

Quote of the Day

"Either you run the day or the day runs you." - Jim Rohn

Monday, May 2, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." -Winston Churchill

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Quote of the Day:

"You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens." -Mandy Hale

A Letter to My Future Daughter

Dear my future daughter,

Right now, I'm a long way from being your mom, but I feel as though I have some wisdom to share and wanted to remember the experiences I've encountered in my first 18 years.

1. Never Doubt Yourself. Don't doubt yourself, what you can achieve, what you dream, what you want because once that tiny seed of doubt wiggles it's way into your mind you won't achieve whatever it is you wanted. Without doubt your potential is limitless. Let your life be filled with limitless potential. Never doubt yourself because I won't; I'll believe in you whenever you don't believe in yourself.

2. Love fearlessly. Love is the most beautiful, magical thing on this planet. Yes, one can argue technology, but love makes you feel so alive that it takes you into a different world. It lifts your whole being into a different sphere and that is truly magical. Of course, love can easily turn into heartbreak, but having that love and connection with someone, no matter if it lasts or not is still something that should be cherished and learned from.

3. Never let anyone make you feel like you aren't good enough. Be open with people, allow them to come into your life, but if their words and actions are a toxicity to you, you are better off without them. The only person who can judge you, is you, as you are the "Master of your fate, Captain of your soul," as wisely stated by Henry Ford.

4. Don't be afraid to come to me with anything, because as your mom, I've been there, done that,  have the scar to prove it, and probably some kick ass advice. Or ice cream. Ice cream always works too.

5. Live and cherish every moment to its fullest because before you know it, it will have all passed by.

6. See the beauty and good in everything. Finding the bad is easy, but finding the good, well, that's what's really special.

7. Smile laugh, dance it out. Life is too short to be pulled down by sadness, so make sure you smile and laugh because even something as simple as the upturned motion of your lips can make all the difference. As I always say, laughing is good for the soul.

8. Don't let your dreams just be dreams, make them into your reality.

I can't wait to meet you and experience your life with you,
Love always,
your future Mom

Dance like there's no tomorrow,

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe

The Myth of Group Projects

Here’s a foolproof way to ruin a student’s day: assign a group project. It puts in motion the undesirable search of compatibility, in which you find yourself judging the others around you. Does the girl with the glasses or the one with the neck tattoos look more dependable? Do you let your friend join the group even though she’s a slacker? These decisions hold so much weight because your grade really does depend on it. This past semester, I took an Evolution class where the group project had been worth 40% (which meant a whole month dedicated to spending time with people I was not friends with whatsoever.)  In my head, I split the members into 3 categories: the ruler, the followers, and the rebels. While the ruler was smart, she made us all feel shitty with her remarks and demands of change. Since I was more of a follower, I ended up revising my part of the project more often that I’d like to admit. However, I was also part of the rebels in the fact that I didn’t care much about what we were doing. Sure, I did my work but was it my best? Probably not.  Unfortunately, there’s this growing myth that group projects stimulate social interaction, the ability to work efficiently, and the potential to make compromises. But really they are just about tolerating people and trying not to picture punching them in the face too often. Professors need to reevaluate and not use group projects as an easy way out. Individual work showcases a student’s ability and although it takes more time to grade, it’s the better option.  

 Until next time,

Friday, April 29, 2016

Look 10

Outfit: Damn Denim

  1. Maroon Cropped Tank: Forever 21
  2. Button Down Denim Skirt: Forever 21
  3. Floral Sneakers: American Eagle
  4. 3 Tier Necklace: Forever 21

Quote of the Day

"People who love to eat are always the best people." -Julia Child

Thursday, April 28, 2016

5 Ways to Float Through Life - College Edition

1)   Don’t Show Off
If you are one of those people who can write a 15 page story in one night then congrats my friend. Only needed one cup of coffee? Even better. However, for some of us, ideas don’t flow as soon as we open our laptops. Brainstorming is sometimes a must and not everyone will finish things at the same time. Go at your pace. Don’t be ashamed that a labeled “easy” assignment took you so long. The point is that you got it done in the first place.

2)   Fit in a Nap
College has it perks: more freedom, friends being in walking distance, and binging on the crappy food. But there’s one thing we all dread and it’s waking up in the morning and attending yet another tedious class. It’s strange that in high school we manage to stay there for 8 hours straight but the idea of sitting in a 2-hour lecture is mind blowing. Hearing a professor drone on for that long has a tiring effect. So, if you have time, don’t ignore that feeling. Give in to it. I’ve learned that a 20 minute nap actually can be effective (don’t get me wrong a 2 hour one does the trick too). I feel as though I’m more willing to do work as the guilt of previously wasting time motivates me.

3)   Sit and Observe
Sure, you’ve been told that your “young years” are for mistakes. But why not let other people make those? Let that kid who got caught plagiarizing inspire you to submit all original stuff even if it’s complete shit. Let that girl who drank too much inspire you to stop double fisting and keep track of your limit. There’s no reason to spend another night by the bathroom toilet. Just watch the ridiculousness that goes on and somehow you’ll find yourself becoming the mature one in the room, otherwise known as the mom of the friend group.  

4)   Reward System
Finally finished the paper that has been causing you stress for weeks? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and celebrate. Skip the dining hall and order a pizza (suggestion: split with roommate for a cheaper outcome) or if you’re low on cash, have a Lord of the Rings marathon. Point is: RELAX.

5)   Procrastinate the Right Way
      First thing to note is that we all do it. Procrastination takes a hold of the best of us and there's no way around it. So why not take advantage of that time you aren't using for homework? Maybe reorganize your closet, throw a load of laundry in or (if you have access to a kitchen) whip up a real dinner for yourself. Ignore the temptation telling you to watch a whole season of Prison Break.

Until next time,

Quote of the Day

"Even if you're on the right track...if you just sit there, you'll still get hit." - Will Rogers

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Quote of the Day

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." -Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." - Michael J Fox

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - Kurt Cobain

Look 9

Outfit: Saturday Night Vibes

  1. White Patterned Crop Top: Garage
  2. Blue Fitted Skirt: Charlotte Russe 
  3. Brown Laced Heels: Tjmaxx
  4. Maroon Dress: Cotton On
  5. Black Keds: Macy's

Friday, February 12, 2016

Look 8

Outfit: Street Serious

  1. Black Cropped Tank: Forever 21
  2. Green High Waisted Jeans: American Eagle
  3. Black Combat Boots: Madden Girl
  4. Tan Leather Jacket: Charlotte Russe
  5. Black & Tan Striped Crop Top: Forever 21
  6. High Waisted Jeans: Marshalls 
  7. Black Booties w/ Heel: Tjmaxx 

Quote of the Day

"I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life." -Ziad K. Abdelnour

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Look 7

Outfit: Casual Couture 

  1. Beige Sweater: American Eagle
  2. Plaid Scarf: Loft
  3. Black Capri: American Eagle
  4. Brown Booties w/ Heel: Tjmaxx

Quote of the Day

"Things do not change, we change." - Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary." -Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose." - Lyndon B. Johnson

Look 6

Outfit: DayDreamer 

  1. White Sweater: Forever 21
  2. Grey Patterned Dress: Tjmaxx
  3. Boot Socks: Urban Outfitters
  4. Brown Boots: Madden Girl 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Quote of the Day

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill

Look 5

Outfit: Polished Professional 
  1. Black Dress: Forever 21
  2. Grey Polka Dot Sleeved Blazer: Cotton On
  3. Black Booties (short): Annie Sez
  4. Red shirt: Forever 21
  5. Black Blazer: Cotton On
  6. Black and White Stripped Skirt: Charlotte Russe 
  7. Black Booties (tall): Tjmaxx
  8. All Jewelry: Forever 21

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

Friday, February 5, 2016

Look 4

Outfit: Polka Hot 
  1. Jeans: American Eagle
  2. Green Crossbody/Clutch: Forever 21 
  3. Black Booties: Steve Madden
  4. Polka Dot Sweater: Forever 21
  5. White Button Down: Tjmaxx 

Quote of the Day

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Friends are the siblings God never gave us." - Mencius #FriendsDay

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Look 3

Outfit: Dare to be Dressy

1. Black Cotton Dress: Tjmaxx
2. Blue Cotton Dress w/ High Neck: Tjmaxx
3. Black Combat Boots: Madden Girl
4. Tan Ankle Boot: Steve Madden
5. Boot Socks: Urban Outfitters
6. White Lace Cardigan: Forever 21
7. Beige/Gray Cardigan: American Eagle
8. All Necklaces: Forever 21

Quote of the Day

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie

Social Media

Keep up to date easily by following us on:
Instagram: @dormroomdaily
Twitter: @DormRmDaily
Facebook: Like our Dorm Room Daily page

& Don't forget to enter your email below to know when a new post occurs!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." -Coco Chanel

Party Mom?

When I tell people that I don't drink, I get a mixture of strange looks followed by a quick brush off, but mostly people accept it or just don't really care. Most would probably think that it's really hard to stay completely sober in college while still getting the whole experience (aka "partying"), but that's false. Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I can't go out and have fun with my friends. Another reaction I get to the whole I don't drink statement is the question, "Do you even party," which to answer that, yes I do. All my friends do, so why wouldn't I? Others just don't understand how I have fun at these parties without drinking, but my only response to that is... people watching. It's the most amazingly funny thing to do at parties. Watching drunk college students do and say ridiculous things that most of them won't remember tomorrow morning? Hilarious. Not only is it extremely funny to watch drunk people act in ways they would never act when they're sober, but that's exactly the point, they aren't sober, so what do you care if you dance like a fool all night long, no one will remember it anyway. You just have to let loose and be a little crazy, dance on some tables (or bars, whichever fits the occasion) and you'll fit right in with the drunk college crowd. Just have enough fun, so that when you look back at the nights, it won't be a blur of confusion, but a fond memory that you're glad you have. The line I often state when people tell me that they can't believe that I don't drink because I look a little buzzed is, "I just like to dance," and honestly, I find nothing wrong with that. However, I do have to say that, sometimes, being the "Party Mom," as my lovely friends have dubbed me, can be a little bit stressful. I feel that it's my responsibility to make sure that those who do drink end up safely back in their dorms, but I don't mind doing this. I'd rather everyone be safe after a night of partying than sorry. I'd rather be able to take control of a situation in which control needs to be taken. Every school has horror stories of parties gone bad, or drugged drinks, and I don't want my friends, or anyone for that matter, to be one of those people. I've dealt with it all: throw-up, lost friends, drunken hook-ups, etc, but I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. Being the "Party Mom" is an important job, but it's my job, and I love it.

Dance like there's no tomorrow,

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chicago: The City of Wind, Reverse Pizza, and Smothered Hot Dogs


    A few things I knew going in: the name of the city was cool, there's a play about it, Harrison Ford was born there, and the hot dogs are supposed to be life changing. Once the trip was officially booked, I kept getting questions like "why go there?" or "what's to do?" and as you can probably tell from the previous statement, I had no answer. My sister was the planner and I was just following her for the ride or should I say flight? The first day included the typical bus tour around the city which was followed up by one of my favorite pastimes: eating. What's travel without stopping at the best food establishments around? Portillo's was the restaurant that had graciously provided me with my first and only Chicago dog. The rumors are true ladies and gents, ingredients that shouldn't work just do. I've never been a fan of hot dogs but hey, throw on some pepper, relish, pickle, mustard, tomato, onion, and celery salt and that'll make me one happy lady. However, I do need to give a quick shout out to their chili dogs because it must be pretty good if I risked the potential mess for it. I guess Guy Fieri wasn't wrong in giving his approval to this place. After the food coma receded, we headed on foot to find the L train that would take us to United Center for a night of hockey. It might be pricey but I recommend attending a Blackhawks game if you get the chance. I have never seen a more enthusiastic or friendly crowd. Sure, most of it is due to booze but it's just this unexplainable experience. You begin to find yourself becoming invested in a team that you've never even liked or kept up with before. On the downside, this can lead to the purchase of overpriced apparel but in my book, souvenirs are a part of keeping the memory alive so it's okay to splurge a little (I sure did). Now, if your looking for something a little more exciting and somewhat stress inducing, then I'd suggest going to the 360 Chicago Observation Deck. The view is awesome but it also offers the option of trying out their newest attraction. The first of it's kind, the Tilt, is a gigantic window with hand bars that is basically able to "detach" from the building and slowly plunge you downwards. I would go in expecting slight panic as it can feel like you might be falling to your death any second. But hey, you only live once right? Sticking to that motto, go ahead and stuff your face with some deep dish pizza after. I suggest dropping by Lou Malnati's and getting a pie to share. It's pretty fulling so for only 4 girls the task of finishing it had been impossible. Maybe on the next trip, we will be able to redeem ourselves and overcome the "too full to eat" battle.

Until next time,

How To:

Quote of the Day

"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations." - Orson Welles

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Quote of the Day

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." - Oscar Wilde

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Quote of the Day

"Take care of all of your memories. For you cannot relive them." - Bob Dylan

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Look 2

Outfit: Street Roamer 

  1. Black Peacoat: Michael Kors (Macy's)
  2. Black Booties : Steve Madden 
  3. Grey Sweater Dress: Loft
  4. Purple Infinity Scarf: Target 
  5. Boot Socks: Tjmaxx 

Look 1

Outfit: Class Casual

  1. Maroon Infinity Scarf - Forever 21
  2. Brown Vest with Toggles - Marshalls
  3. Combat Boots with Faux Fur lining - Mossimo Supply Co. (Target)
  4. Beige Lace Paneled Blouse -  Forever 21
  5. Jeans - American Eagle
  6. Stone Necklace - American Eagle
  7. Brown Crossbody - Lucky Brand

About Our Tabs

LookBook: Affordable (for the most part) fashion pics posted for those days you need a little inspiration. Includes names of brands and what is occasion appropriate.

Wanderlust: Recommended for those who constantly have travel on their mind. Posts will include reviews, pictures, and fun spots to visit.

Suite Tooth: For those who are craving a little more sweet in their lives. Find your fix with crazy recipes and videos. *ideas created by us and viewers (send us your recipe and we will give it a try!)

Court Column: Real time advice, funny stories, hacks, and more.

Quote of the Day

"Napping is my favorite hobby." -Val

Quote of the Day

"I just like to dance." -Court

Monday, January 25, 2016

Two girls. One room. The outcome... this blog.

Two aspiring novelists, turned roommates, and now bloggers. When you live with someone you truly begin to learn just about every thing about them (even the things you'd rather live without knowing), which was no different with us. We were two virtual strangers, braving freshmen year together, as people who believe that dancing should occur sporadically throughout the day, food is the most important thing in our lives (clothes being a close second), everyone should have a nickname, that the best ideas are thought of in the shower, and that each day has its own bitch o'clock. Not only did we have similar passions, but also similar dreams to become successful authors who make appearances on Ellen and Jimmy Fallon frequently, which inspired us to start this blog.

Thanks for checking us out!
Val & Court
"Laughter is good for the soul."

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Twitter: @DormRmDaily
Instagram: dormroomdaily