Monday, February 1, 2016

Party Mom?

When I tell people that I don't drink, I get a mixture of strange looks followed by a quick brush off, but mostly people accept it or just don't really care. Most would probably think that it's really hard to stay completely sober in college while still getting the whole experience (aka "partying"), but that's false. Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I can't go out and have fun with my friends. Another reaction I get to the whole I don't drink statement is the question, "Do you even party," which to answer that, yes I do. All my friends do, so why wouldn't I? Others just don't understand how I have fun at these parties without drinking, but my only response to that is... people watching. It's the most amazingly funny thing to do at parties. Watching drunk college students do and say ridiculous things that most of them won't remember tomorrow morning? Hilarious. Not only is it extremely funny to watch drunk people act in ways they would never act when they're sober, but that's exactly the point, they aren't sober, so what do you care if you dance like a fool all night long, no one will remember it anyway. You just have to let loose and be a little crazy, dance on some tables (or bars, whichever fits the occasion) and you'll fit right in with the drunk college crowd. Just have enough fun, so that when you look back at the nights, it won't be a blur of confusion, but a fond memory that you're glad you have. The line I often state when people tell me that they can't believe that I don't drink because I look a little buzzed is, "I just like to dance," and honestly, I find nothing wrong with that. However, I do have to say that, sometimes, being the "Party Mom," as my lovely friends have dubbed me, can be a little bit stressful. I feel that it's my responsibility to make sure that those who do drink end up safely back in their dorms, but I don't mind doing this. I'd rather everyone be safe after a night of partying than sorry. I'd rather be able to take control of a situation in which control needs to be taken. Every school has horror stories of parties gone bad, or drugged drinks, and I don't want my friends, or anyone for that matter, to be one of those people. I've dealt with it all: throw-up, lost friends, drunken hook-ups, etc, but I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. Being the "Party Mom" is an important job, but it's my job, and I love it.

Dance like there's no tomorrow,