Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Defeating Red Hair: Color Oops Review

We've all gotten the feeling that our look needs a little change. Some get bangs while others, myself included, decide to take the more drastic route: hair dye. It's an appealing idea at first because certain questions can finally be answered: Do blondes really have more fun? Does black hair make you look older? However, after your curiosity is eased, you may come to realize that the color you chose was not the right fit. Or in my case, it may start fading and leave you with "tri-colored" hair. I had brown roots, with red and blonde covering the rest of my head. I was determined to fix this issue myself and not go to a pricey salon. So, after some research, I came upon an at home hair dye remover: Color Oops. It is ammonia and bleach free with the promise to take out dye that is up to a year old. Naturally, I was skeptical but still willing to give it a try after watching various youtube videos. Disclaimer: imagine rotten eggs and a dead rodent mixed together and you may be able to understand how horrible this stuff smells. Make sure to wear clothes you are absolutely fine with throwing out after because color oops is very runny and will most likely slip off your head during the removal process.

 My Original Hair                                                 One Application of Color Oops


Reaction: I obviously saw some change but definitely not as much as I was expecting. I heard a second application doesn't often help but I decided to give it a go anyways.

Second Application of Color Oops 

Reaction: I was very pleased after the second application as my hair was very close to being just one color. However, I wasn't a fan of this brassy blonde so I did end up dying it a different shade. I'm positive that without Color Oops it would have been hard to dye my hair without it being darker or lighter in some parts. P.S - my hair doesn't feel damaged at all after this process!

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